Duncan received his BA, MA and DPhil in Modern Languages (French and German) from Oxford University. He worked at the University of Paris III, Trinity College Dublin and Swansea University before joining UEA as Academic Director of the British Centre for Literary Translation in 2014. He researches widely in modern German literature and thought, in comparative literature and translation studies. 

Recent publications:

Nietzsche’s ‘Ecce Homo’, ed. Nicholas Martin and Duncan Large (Berlin and New York: de Gruyter, 2021). 

Untranslatability: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, ed. Duncan Large et al. (New York and London: Routledge, 2018).

Forschungsschwerpunkte: deutschsprachige Literatur und Philosophie, Komparatistik und Translationswissenschaft.


Translating the Vienna Circle

Den Wiener Kreis übersetzen

Helena received her BA and MA in Modern languages and literatures from the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), and her PhD in linguistics from the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. She is Associate Professor of literary and translation studies at PUC-Rio, where she teaches undergraduate and graduate courses on the intersection between philosophy, language and literary studies. She is a CNPq researcher (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, level 2), Brazil’s chief research agency. Helena has translated, among many others, Hannah Arendt, Hans-Johann Glock’s Wittgenstein-Lexikon and John G. Cottingham’s A Descartes Dictionary into Portuguese.

Recent publications:

Miller, Henry. Hamlet: cartas de Henry Miller a Michael Fraenkel. Seleção, tradução e notas: Helena Martins e Marcia Schuback, Coleção Marginália, Rio de Janeiro: Rocco (in press). 

"Língua comum indecifrada: Grace Passô, Adília Lopes". Gragoatá.  v. 25, n. 53, p. 972-991, 2020. 

"'Resta saber se o não-pensamento contamina o pensamento': citação e invenção em 'Adeus à linguagem' de Jean-Luc Godard". Cadernos de Literatura Comparada, v. 41, p. 170-191, 2019.

Áreas de pesquisa: Filosofia da linguagem, tradução e estudos literários.


Variations on the task of the translator

Variações sobre a tarefa do tradutor